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Ke'mon FreemanKevin JohnsonRafe Peavey and Evan BrownWhen You Run Out of Tackling DummiesMorris Reviews the TroopsGilbert Back for Another SeasonConditioning Coach Trumain Carroll Busts A MoveMorris Checks Out Freeman's New DoCoach Traylor Instructs Elijah McQueenPunt Blocking DrillBrandon Benson (10) vs Rodney Clemons (8)D J GillinsBrandon Benson (10) vs Brice Madison (34)Alex Honey (15) Observed by Coach SteppJoshua Shelmire (88) vs Rodney Clemons (8)James Proche (3) vs Jordan Wyatt (15)Shelby Walker (9) vs Trey Quinn (18)Ben HicksHicks (8) and Peavey (12)Xavier Jones